Seasons of Life

Spiritual Insights for Everyday Life

In January of 1969, a photo was published that forever changed our view of the earth, and of our place in the universe. The photo was taken on Christmas Eve day, 1968, by the crew of Apollo 8—the first humans to orbit the moon. It showed a marbled blue and white gibbous earth rising above the barren, brown, crater-pocked surface of the moon.

"Earthrise" - Apollo 8, Dec. 24, 1968 “Earthrise” – Dec. 24, 1968

The photo was quickly dubbed “Earthrise.” It has become one of the most famous pictures ever taken. For the first time, it showed the people of earth the beauty and fragility of our planet as a whole, floating in the blackness of space. The stark, lifeless surface of the moon in the foreground showed just how precious is the abundant life on our own planet.

Based on this indelible visual image, we realized on a gut level that whatever conflicts and divisions…

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