Morning & Evening

Charles H. Spurgeon

Set Apart

Set Apart

June 27, 2024


“Only ye shall not go very far away.” — Exodus 8:28

Do Not Love the World

This cunning statement comes from Pharaoh, the arch-tyrant. If the enslaved Israelites must leave Egypt, he insists they not go too far—close enough to remain under his control and surveillance. Similarly, the world dislikes nonconformity and dissent; it prefers a more lenient approach. The world scoffs at the notion of dying to worldly ways and living for Christ.1 2

Pursue Purity

Thus, the practices that symbolize this separation are often ignored or scorned. The world’s wisdom suggests compromise and moderation. It acknowledges the value of purity but cautions against exactness; it endorses truth but advises against harshly condemning falsehood. “Certainly, be spiritual,” the world says, “but don’t miss out on social gatherings, occasional dances, and theatre visits during the holidays. Why criticize what is so popular and widely accepted?” Many are swayed by such deceptive counsel, to their ultimate detriment.

Be Ye Separate

To fully follow the Lord, we must break away and enter the wilderness of separation, leaving behind the worldly ways of Egypt. We must abandon its principles, its indulgences, and even its form of religion, and journey to where the Lord calls His sanctified people. When a town is ablaze, one cannot be too distant from the fire. When a disease spreads, one cannot be too remote from its reach. The farther from a serpent, the safer, and the farther from worldly conformity, the better. Let the call to all true believers be clear: “Come ye out from among them! Be ye separate!”

Set Apart


Be Set Apart for God

Grace & Earnest

Grace & Earnest


“Let every man abide in the same calling wherein he was called.” — 1 Corinthians 7:20

Grace and Earnestness

Some people mistakenly believe that living for God is only possible by becoming ministers, missionaries, or Bible women. Alas, how many would be excluded from the chance to magnify the Highest if this were true. Beloved, it is not the office, but earnestness; not the position, but grace that enables us to Glorify God!3

The Godly Worker

God is truly glorified in the cobbler’s stall, where the godly worker, as he uses the awl, sings of the Savior’s love, indeed, glorified far more than in many a prebendal stall where official religiosity performs its minimal duties. The Name of Jesus is Glorified4 by the simple uneducated Carter as he drives his horse, blesses his God, or talks to his fellow labourer by the roadside, as much as by the renowned preacher who, like Boanerges, thunders the gospel across the country.

Take Care

God is glorified by us serving Him in our proper vocations. Take care, dear reader, not to abandon the path of duty by leaving your occupation, and be careful not to dishonour your profession while in it. Think a little of yourself, but not too little of your calling. Every lawful trade can be sanctified by the gospel to the noblest ends. Turn to the Bible, and you will find the humblest forms of labour either associated with the most daring acts of faith or with individuals whose lives have been notable for holiness.

Be Not Discontent

Therefore, do not be discontent with your calling. Whatever God has made your position or work, abide in that unless you are certain He calls you to something else. Let your primary concern be to glorify God to the utmost of your power where you are. Fill your current sphere with His praise! If He needs you elsewhere, He will make it known to you. This evening, set aside troublesome ambition and embrace peaceful content!

Grace for Purpose

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The Lord is with me, like a Mighty Warrior! for Purpose

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