Morning & Evening

Charles H Spurgeon

He 1st Loved

He 1st Loved


  1. He 1st Loved
    1. He 1st Loved
      1. Contents
        1. Morning
      2. God’s Infinite Love
      3. Astonishing Love
      4. The Sweet Seed
      5. A Tender Bloom
      6. Your Love
      7. Your Love
      8. LOVE
        1. Charles H Spurgeon
      9. Best Praise & Worship
        1. Chris Tomlin
  2. It is Finished
    1. Our Redeemer Triumphant
    2. Christ Bore our Sin
    3. Prayer
    4. It is Finished
      1. Pastor Andrew Wommack
    5. Bill & Gloria Gaither
      1. It is Finished
    6. Watchman on the Wall
    7. Hal Lindsey Media Ministries

June 11, 2024


“We love Him because He first loved us.” — 1 John 4:19

God’s Infinite Love

There is no light on this planet except that which emanates from the sun; similarly, there is no true love for Jesus in the heart except that which originates from the Lord Jesus Himself. Our love for God must arise from this abundant spring of God’s infinite love. It remains a profound and undeniable truth that we love Him solely because He first loved us.

Astonishing Love

Our love for Him is the beautiful progeny of His love for us. While studying God’s works may inspire admiration, only God’s Spirit can ignite the warmth of love in the heart. It is astonishing that we, who once rebelled against Him, should ever be brought to love Jesus! It is marvellous that He, through such astonishing love, sought to draw us back.

The Sweet Seed

Without the sweet seed of His love planted within us, we would never have a speck of love towards God. Love, therefore, has its genesis in the love of God poured into the heart; but once born, it must be divinely sustained. Love is an exotic; it does not naturally thrive in human soil—it must be irrigated from above.

A Tender Bloom

Love for Jesus is a tender bloom, and without sustenance from anything other than the stony ground of our hearts, it would quickly fade. Since love descends from heaven, it must feast on celestial bread. It cannot survive in the wilderness unless nourished by manna from above. Love must subsist on love. The essence and vitality of our love for God is His love for us.

Your Love

God of Comfort
God is Present

Your Love

“I adore You, Lord, yet not with love of my own,
For mine is insufficient to give.
I adore You, Lord; all love belongs to You,
For it is through Your love that I live.
I am naught and find joy in being
Void, adrift, and utterly absorbed in You.”


Charles H Spurgeon

We Love Him because He first Loved us (Charles Spurgeon)

Best Praise & Worship

Chris Tomlin

Chris Tomlin

It is Finished


“There he breaks the bow’s arrows, the shield, the sword, and the battle.” — Psa_76:3

Our Redeemer Triumphant

Our Redeemer’s triumphant declaration of “It is finished,” sounded the defeat of all his people’s foes, shattering “the bow’s arrows, the shield, the sword, and the battle.” Envision the champion of Golgotha wielding his cross as an anvil and his suffering as a hammer, shattering our sins, those toxic “arrows of the bow,” into pieces, crushing every formal charge, and obliterating every condemnation.

The mighty Breaker’s blows, delivered with a hammer, are more formidable than Thor’s legendary weapon! See how the devilish darts are shattered, and the hellish shields are smashed like clay pots! Behold, he unsheathes the dreadful sword of Satanic might! He snaps it over his knee, as one breaks kindling, and tosses it into the flames.

Christ Bore our Sin

Beloved, no believer’s sin can now be a deadly arrow, no condemnation a lethal sword, for Christ bore our sins’ punishment, making full atonement for all our transgressions as our blessed Substitute and Surety. Who now accuses? Who now condemns? Christ has died and, indeed, has risen again.

Jesus has drained hell’s quivers, extinguished every fiery dart, and severed every wrathful arrow’s head; the ground is littered with the splinters and remnants of hell’s arsenal, visible only to remind us of the peril we once faced and the great deliverance we have received. Sin no longer rules over us. Jesus has ended it and removed it forever.


PrayerO enemy, your destructions are finished forever. Proclaim the Lord’s marvellous works, all who call on His name; do not silence your voice, by day or as the sun sets. Praise the Lord, O my soul.

It is Finished

Pastor Andrew Wommack

Bill & Gloria Gaither

It is Finished

The End of the Conflict (Bill & Gloria Gaither)

Watchman on the Wall

Hal Lindsey Media Ministries

The Coming of the Last World Super Power (Part 1 Hal Lindsey)
  1. He 1st Loved
    1. He 1st Loved
      1. Contents
        1. Morning
      2. God’s Infinite Love
      3. Astonishing Love
      4. The Sweet Seed
      5. A Tender Bloom
      6. Your Love
      7. Your Love
      8. LOVE
        1. Charles H Spurgeon
      9. Best Praise & Worship
        1. Chris Tomlin
  2. It is Finished
    1. Our Redeemer Triumphant
    2. Christ Bore our Sin
    3. Prayer
    4. It is Finished
      1. Pastor Andrew Wommack
    5. Bill & Gloria Gaither
      1. It is Finished
    6. Watchman on the Wall
    7. Hal Lindsey Media Ministries

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