
Sometimes when we feel or seem trapped, we need to see how the Lord undertook for Israel. When Pharoah and his Egyptian army, were behind them, the Red sea in front. There didn't seem to be an escape. Then the Lord intervened! Israel crossed the Red Sea unscathed and without any losses. Yet Pharoah and his army were stuck when the waters covered them No longer would Egypt (Mitsraim), trouble Israel.

TrappedRobert Ian(Ian R Lottering)TrappedTrapped! Trapped!  Before them lay the sea!  Behind Them Pharaoh’s army! Hearken!  Yisrael cries!  “YHVH Help!  Deliver us!  Moshe_” Fearful!  Death in the Wilderness!  See them stare!  “Moshe_” Moshe decrees: “Fear not o Yisrael!  Fear Not! YHVH declares victory o’er your adversary Be Silent!  Today, see your Salvation! Your Victory is…View On WordPress